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Wednesday, June 11, 2008


I just wanted to share a touching moment in my life...for those who I have already shared this with - you must endure it again :D

I went to the doctor's today - yeah! My doctor wants me to go to a urologist to check out this extra vein I have connected to my testicles - I've had this issue since puberty - but no one seemed to think it was a big deal. My doctor told me she wants me to check it out so it won't prevent me from having children later on if I wanted that option...

Imagine the blankest stare you've ever seen...

I am HIV positive so I looked really blankly at her.

She asked me what was wrong. I said - uh - how do I have children
without infecting my partner or child?

She blankly stared at me and was like - uh - you've never heard of
sperm washing?

Another blank stare.

Uh NO...

Well HIV is only in the semen - not the sperm - so the sperm can be removed and injected into the partner and safely create a child without infection to the mother or child. The egg would just have to receive the sperm - but that's no different from any other pregnancy.


The doctor left for a minute to set an appointment - so I let it soak
in and of course I wept a little for joy.

I am not married yet, but to have the option of having my own child even while being HIV positive is amazing to me. God is a god of miracles and wonder.

HIV really isn't the end of life - I realize now I have no excuses to hold me back from living a normal life on Earth - not that I do anything normal...

PS. For those just finding out about my HIV status - I apologize you are finding out this way - if you have any questions I am not that shy - which is obvious 'cause I've posted about my testicles already :D So anyway...

You've been caught Jey Walking!


Clint said...

once again...

This is great news!

Jill May said...

Jey - that's incredible! I didn't know that either! We're going to miss you while were in Japan. I'm glad that you have a blog so that I can stalk you every once in a while.... ;)


Holly said...

Jey, I didn't know, but it also doesn't bother me. You were (are) amazing anyway, and nothing can stop that. If I weren't engaged, we would make out before you left ATL!

The Smith's said...

I love you Jey! And I'm SO happy for this news. Having children is A.W.E.S.O.M.E. What does that spell??? AWESOME!!!

Ashley W. said...


I'm still so happy for you!!! You deserve it! You are awesome!

Lauren T. said...

YES, now we can have babies without doing the regular thing that would create babies! ('Cause that would be too weird.)

(For those of you who don't know us, Jey and I aren't actually considering having babies. We just joke about things like this all the time...)

taylorgiddens said...

freaking cool. hooray for sperm washing! that's news to me

jey walker gladstone said...

I am glad i have the kind of friends who support me even when it comes to sperm washing - great friends!