I visited my doctor yesterday and my T-cells went back up from 303 to 360. My viral load went down from 81,000 to 66,000. This is great news, but not a significant change.
I do, however, completely acknowledge the faith, hope & love of the many people who fasted, prayed and/or went to the temple on my behalf and others with HIV/AIDS. I acknowledge the great power, love and grace bestowed upon me and others by God. It could have been worse; my T-cells could have dropped to 246 and my viral load could have gone up to 96,000 which would be REALLY close to being diagnosed with AIDS.
I decided that, though the results were good, I would still start my medicinal treatment when school ends next week. After discussion of my options (thank goodness I have any) I am going to start my first drug cocktail of Viramune (http://us.viramune.com/) and Truvada (http://www.truvada.com/). I only have to take 3 pills once a day. What a blessing and how marvelous is the advancement of science and medicine - people used to take anywhere from 12 - 20 pills three times a day or more. Not to mention that EACH pill would cost between $40 and 100. My medicine is provided to me for free. Like I said, God loves me - I can't possibly doubt that He does.
I just wanted to share this update with you and thank you for your continued support - it means so much to me. I know that God blesses those who bless others - I pray that God shines His light and love upon you, especially during this joyous and beautiful holiday season.
love Jey
You have been caught Jey Walking! (thank you, come again!)
I'm glad for your good news. How's school? I hope you are enjoying it and doing well!
Awesome news man. Congratulations.
Congrats Jey! All our love and prayers go out to you.
Are you going to have a white Christmas?
Oh, good news! I'm very glad to hear. You're still in my prayers.
I wrote a year in review post very similar to yours... Check it out! Heading to Germany tomorrow, but that doesn't mean I won't be in touch... They have email there ;o) Happy holidays, Jey. Hold on to that insight: God loves you. I have no doubt about that either.
That is fantastic news, Jey! Very happy to hear it.
I'm so glad that you received good news. Wow, I just readthewebsites you included in your post. Keep us updated as to how you're doing. I'll definately keep you in my prayers. I hope you are able to feel healthy and strong Jey. Best wishes to you.
I have to say I had no idea I would be undetectable in under 4 months. Now, it's been 7 months - still undetectable (I hope) and feeling pretty good! Thanks you guys - you lift me up when I feel like I am face down on the floor.
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