I am so excited to find out on May 7th - 4 pm what my latest HIV viral load count is and especially if it is going to be "UNDETECTED"!
I also really excited for May 17th! ( http://www.aidswalk.net/newyork/ )
I went to the gym for the first in awhile and am feeling great - I feel healthier than I was when I was diagnosed in 2005. I owe a lot to the people at GMHC and Callen-Lorde Community Health Center here in New York. Without the services they have provided for me.
Since last August they have provided me with two pairs of glasses so I can see, a new crown for my tooth (been missing for several years now - never had the money to replace it) - blood tests - STD tests - vaccines - and of course, the most important - my drugs that have eradicated almost all of the HIV in my body.
GMHC and Callen-Lorde Community Health Center (www.callen-lorde.org)have obviously done so much - they have given me more life to live. Being the broke grad student that I am - I can't afford to pay them back - but I made a contribution anyway. This year I am turning 30 and it's all thanks to God, GMHC and Callen-Lorde Community Health Center.
I am asking each of you - despite the economic times that we are in - to donate $30 in my name to this year's AIDS Walk New York.( http://www.aidswalk.net/newyork/ ) and/or If each of you contributed this amount it would add up fast and really make a difference.
You can also make a donation to Callen-Lorde at their website www.callen-lorde.org
Please give $30 today ( http://www.aidswalk.net/newyork/ ) or (www.callen-lorde.org) to show your support to me and to those who are doing everything they can to provide meaningful, life-changing services to people like me. I really appreciate all the support, thoughts, prayers and donations received already.
Follow the link below to either walk with me, donate or both. It's safe, secure and easy-even I did it!
(go to : Sponsor a Walker)
Thanks a billion! (or just $30!)
love Jey
PS. I should be having an "undetectable" party soon and you're invited to come celebrate!
You have been caught Jey Walking!
1 comment:
Good luck, Jey! Keep posting your progress, okay?
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