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Friday, February 28, 2014

purgatorial existence

this is not love
hot and bothered
a sign of danger

this is not love
hostile suspicion
demanding anger

this is not love
committing fraud
you will be prosecuted

this is not love
a crime has been perpetrated 
against a sovereign state
this is not love
protect yourself
you will not be seen

this is not love
strictly prohibited
make the choice

this is not love
aggressive manipulation
enraged abuse

this is not love
here i am waiting
there is my confiscated truth

this is not love
this is a serious offense
the message has been received

this is not love
you must stop
you must see


Duck said...

You are a very talented writer. The words you have used her are very powerful and certainly tell a story. Thank you for sharing your amazing talent.

Duck said...


JJ Happyrock said...

Thank you for reading and enjoying what I write. I was bored waiting for nearly three hours in a waiting room. I started to read all the signs posted on all the walls and take phrases and words from the signs to create the poem - it worked out pretty good. Thanks again!

Duck said...

You are very welcome. And, I meant to write "here", not "her". I need to spell check!

I wondered how you had come to write what you did. It was very interesting to me, the words and phrases you put together. And, as I wrote before, so very powerful.

May I ask you a personal question? I know you have written at least one book of poetry and published it. Have you written other books or do you have other books on your horizon?

Happy Saturday! Love, Duck

Duck said...

P.S. you wrote in your comment that you had been in a waiting room for over three hours, that that was what was the "inspiration" behind your poem. Is your health alright? Did you have a good outcome from being in the waiting room so long?

JJ Happyrock said...

I would love to publish another book of poetry - and I'm sure I will in a few years when I get enough material.

I have lots of ideas for other books - one would be an autobiography, another, maybe a children's book.

My creative juices flowing with lots of ideas - so we shall see what becomes of me :)

Thanks for your support!

JJ Happyrock said...

The waiting room experience is par for the course. There wasn't anything wrong - but the people I needed to see take forever!!! Seriously I have to wait at least an hour just to meet with someone - then they have to get something so I wait another hour...then they go to lunch...etc